Healthy Electric Homes Videos


Why We Need Healthy Electric Homes

Share our video entitled, “Why We Need Healthy Electric Homes,” with public officials, non-profits, utility providers, and contractors to advocate for increased access to electric home heating systems and appliances as a less polluting, pro-climate alternative to gas.


Electric4Health TV Ad

Produced and distributed through Denver’s NBC affiliate in collaboration with Colorado Rising for Communities


Making the Switch to Healthy Electric Homes

Share “Making the Switch to Healthy Electric Homes” with your networks to let them know about the health risks of burning gas in the home, and the benefits of alternative technologies like induction cooktops and heat pumps.


Proteja su hogar de la contaminación por la quema de gas
English “Protect your Home from Gas Burning Pollution

Share “Proteja su hogar de la contaminación por la quema de gas” (Protect your Home from Gas Burning Pollution) with your Spanish-speaking networks to inform on health risks of burning gas in the home, and the benefits of alternative technologies. This video also includes a family’s personal story about the health benefits of switching from gas to electric appliances.