Helpful Resources

How Colorado Beat Xcel Energy’s Hydrogen Blending Scheme

Colorado Clean Heat Plan:
A Huge Win for Climate and Health

Extreme Heat: Solutions for an Equitable Climate

Local Government Planning for Healthy Electric Homes


Healthy Electric Homes Resources


Oil & Gas / Fracking Resources


Rocky Flats Resources

Environmental & Climate Justice

Would you like to get involved?

Healthy Electric Homes Resources


PSR Colorado & Healthy Electric Homes TV Ad

Healthy Electric Homes Legislative Action Training


Web Links

HEH PSRCO featured on Colorado and Company on 9 News 




Oil & Gas / Fracking


FracTracker map tool

FracTracker was originally developed to investigate health concerns and data gaps surrounding western Pennsylvania fracking. Today, as a non-profit organization, FracTracker Alliance supports groups across the United States, addressing pressing extraction-related concerns with a lens toward health effects and exposure risks on communities from oil and gas development. They provide timely and provocative data, ground-breaking analyses, maps, and other visual tools to help advocates, researchers, and the concerned public better understand the harms posed by hydrocarbon extraction.

FracTracker Alliance studies, maps, and communicates the risks of oil and gas development to protect our planet and support the renewable energy transformation. FracTracker is a leading resource on oil and gas issues and a trusted asset to the concerned public.

Playlist of PSR CO Medical Symposium Sections

Published Resources

Environmental & Climate Justice

