New News: Broomfield City Council Voted Unanimously to Withdraw from the Jefferson Parkway 2/25/2020

From Rocky Mountain Peace And Justice Center.

This is a major victory for the citizens and grassroots activists who have consistently warned against the dangers of construction near the contaminated former nuclear weapons plant Rocky Flats. The leadership in Broomfield has set a new precedent regarding the Precautionary Principle and protecting public health.

Thank you for your support to make this possible! Contributed by ROCKY MOUNTAIN PEACE AND JUSTICE

Sasha Stiles

Dr. Stiles is a Medical Doctor, educated and trained at the University of California San Francisco, with a Master’s in Public Health from the University of California Berkeley.  She is currently an adjunct professor at the University of Denver.

Sasha is a resident of Superior, Colorado, a small town that directly abuts the buffer zone of the former Rocky Flats Nuclear Weapons Plant, now named the Rocky Flats Wildlife Refuge.  As a result, concerns about the health effects from Rocky Flats contamination is not only professional but also personal to Sasha. She has worked to define parameters for a risk assessment process of Rocky Flats and its buffer zone.  The goal of the work is to ensure such assessments are based on human rights, rather than assumptions or mathematical models. She is interested in identifying biomarkers of radiation damage, particularly given that government agencies have failed to do so and thus escaped the responsibility of health harms.  Sasha is dedicated to citizen health, public safety, and exposing the ramifications of radiation injuries


Jefferson Parkway Status