After a successful and informative first webinar on the topic of severe air quality in Northern Colorado, The Larimer Alliance for Health, Safety and the Environment and Colorado Rising will host a second webinar on June 15, 2022 at 6:00 pm to answer the question, “Why is it, in a state celebrated for its clean mountain air, that counties in Northern Colorado have received a failing grade for their air quality in updated surveys from the American Lung Association?”
Webinar: “Northern Colorado Air Quality”
Former PSR CO Chair Cory Carroll, MD, Atmospheric Scientist Detlev Helmig, PhD, and Andrew Klooster Optical Gas Imaging Thermographer with EarthWorks, will present a webinar to answer the question, "Why is it, in a state celebrated for its clean mountain air, that counties in Northern Colorado have received a failing grade for their air quality in updated surveys from the American Lung Association?”
The webinar will take place on March 16 at 6:00 pm, and is sponsored by The Larimer Alliance for Health, Safety and the Environment and Colorado Rising.
Tracy Koller, PSR CO Board Member: “Marshall Fire should not have happened”
This poignant and moving opinion piece was penned by our own Tracy Koller, a current PSR CO Board member who resides in Superior, and whose neighborhood was directly impacted and damaged by the Marshall Fire. Tracy’s opinion piece appeared in the Boulder Daily Camera on January 11, 2022.
PSR CO Press Release: Superior, Colorado Health Professionals point to climate causes of fires
PSR Colorado (Physicians for Social Responsibility), an organization of health professionals and other public health-concerned citizens, is deeply saddened by the horrific fires that devastated the Superior, Louisville, and Boulder County communities. Indeed, two members of our PSR Colorado Board of Directors were directly impacted by the firestorm.
Tracy Koller, FNP and Sasha Stiles, MD, MPH, have the joint distinction of being board members of PSR (Physicians for Social Responsibilty) Colorado, health professionals, impacted residents of Superior, Colorado, and climate activists.
Please read our press release in response to the tragic Marshall Fire.